Lásky jedné plavovlásky (Loves of a blonde or A Blonde in love in the english version) is a 1965 Czechoslovakian film directed by Milos Forman. Revered as one of the finest examples of foreign cinema ever produced, the film paints a portrait of small town dreamers and how their idealized notion of the real world can be crushed by the unsympathetic hand of life. In Andula; his protagonist, Forman explores the kind of hopes and desires than many young people in his native Czechoslovakia had, and the somber reality than can result from unsuccessfully pursuing said aspirations. Loves of a Blonde has often been identified as one of the most significant and ambitious productions of the Czech New wave, a movement in which a group of young filmmakers, many of whom were educated by the national film academy in Prague, including Forman, Ján Kádar, Vêra Chytilová and Jirí Mensel, among others, took significant political risks by using cinema to protest the hypocrisy and absurdity of the Communist state.