Broken Flowers is a 2005 French-American comedy-drama film written and directed by Jim Jarmusch and produced by Jon Kilik and Stacey Smith. The film focuses on an aging “Don Juan” (Bill Murray) who embarks on a cross-country journey to track down four of his former lovers after receiving an anonymous letter stating that he has a son. Jim Jarmusch generated the wording in the pink letter by asking each of the four female leads to write a version of the letter from the point of view of their respective characters. He used an amalgamation of those four letters in the finished film, “using pieces of their own language”. The film is dedicated to French director Jean Eustache. In an interview, Jarmusch said he felt close to Eustache for his commitment to making films in a unique and independent fashion. At the 2005 Cannes Film Festival, the film was nominated for the Palme d’Or and won the Grand Prix.