
Creepshow is a 1982 elemental black comedy and horror anthology film directed by George A. Romero and written by Stephen King, making this film his screenwriting debut. The film’s ensemble cast included Hal Holbrook,Adrienne Barbeau, Fritz Weaver, Leslie Nielsen, Ted Danson and E. G. Marshall, as well as Stephen King himself in his film acting debut. The film was shot on location in Pittsburgh and its suburbs, including Monroeville, where Romero leased an old boys academy (Penn Hall) to build extensive sets for the film. The film consists of five short stories: “Father’s Day”, “The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill”, “Something to Tide You Over”, “The Crate” and “They’re Creeping Up on You!”. Two of these stories were adapted from King’s short stories, with the film bookended by prologue and epilogue scenes featuring a young boy named Billy (played by King’s son, Joe King), who is punished by his father for reading horror comic books.

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