Four Rooms is a 1995 American anthology comedy film co-written and co-directed by Allison Anders, Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez, and Quentin Tarantino, each directing a segment of it that in its entirety is loosely based on the adult short fiction writings of Roald Dahl, especially “Man from the South” which is the basis for the last one, Penthouse “The Man from Hollywood” directed by Tarantino. The story is set in the fictional Hotel Mon Signor in Los Angeles on New Year’s Eve. Working New Year’s Eve at a hotel in Hollywood, Calif., the new bellhop, Ted (Tim Roth), has no idea what’s in store for him. Left alone to tend to the guests, Ted soon finds himself in completely over his head. Between a domestic dispute and a demented entourage, spell-casting witches and destructive children, Ted has little hope of making it through the night in one piece. As he tries to maintain order and save his own life, the unlucky bellhop encounters one deranged guest after another.