A brilliant analogy satire to life on Earth, Happiness tells the story of a rodent’s unrelenting quest for happiness and fulfillment. Cutts imagines humanity as a horde of rats, adored by the marketing god, bewitched by Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Loose cannon looking for the last offer. Happiness is the penny that is always missing at the prices of super discount products. Happiness is a commodity exchange of the new capitalism. Happiness, by definition, is the moment in which all one’s desires are satisfied, but humanity always wants more. Like so many rats, we are looking for compulsive crumbs of happiness. Producers sow these crumbs on online and offline advertisements. This limitless race is rendered in an excellent way by the images of Happiness, full of details and oversized information. Chaos. Steve Cutts describes the irrepressible frenzy of modern society, the compulsive and often illogical search to possess new objects, and lastly, the money, motor that moves the world.