Tokyo project

Set in Japan’s capital, Tokyo Project tells the story of a mysterious romance between two strangers (played by Elisabeth Moss and Ebon Moss-Bachrach) as they explore the hidden treasures of the city. Written and directed by longtime Girls collaborator Richard Shepard, who helmed several of the HBO series’… Continue Reading


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Najlepszy (Breaking the limits in the english version) is Łukasz Palkowski’s directorial debut, with a script by Agatha Dominik and Maciej Karpiński. It tells the story of Jerzy Górski, a man who until the release of the film, was virtually unknown… Continue Reading

Nights & days by Blouse

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Blouse is an American Alternative rock band based in Portland, Oregon; formed in 2010 by Charlie Hilton (Vocals, Guitar) and Patrick Adams (Bass) while attending the Graphic Design program at Portland State University. They began to record with Jacob Portrait (Producer, Guitar) at the warehouse in Portland, Oregon. Following the… Continue Reading

Healthy moon by Diiv

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DIIV are an American rock band from Brooklyn, New York City, formed in 2011. Zachary Cole Smith (former touring guitarist of Soft Black, Darwin Deez and Beach Fossils) started a solo project in 2011. Smith, who originally named the project Dive after the Nirvana song of the same name, put together a live… Continue Reading

Run dry by Sizarr

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Sizarr is a German electronic, post-punk band from Landau, Germany, founded in 2009. In April 2010 Sizarr was the supporting act for These New Puritans in Heidelberg, Germany. This was followed by a number of performances at important German music festivals such as Dockville, On3 Festival and Melt! festival in Summer 2010. They… Continue Reading