Tetro is a 2009 American-Argentine drama film written, directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola and starring Vincent Gallo, Alden Ehrenreich and Maribel Verdú. Set in Argentina with a high content of film noir, this story of the reunion of two brothers follows the rivalries born out of creative differences passed down through generations of an artistic Italian immigrant family. Filming took place in 2008 in Buenos Aires, Patagonia, and Spain. Overall, the Rotten Tomatoes consensus was: “A complex meditation on family dynamics, Tetro’s arresting visuals and emotional core compensate for its uneven narrative.” Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film 3 stars, praising the film for being “boldly operatic, involving family drama, secrets, generations at war, melodrama, romance and violence”. Ebert also praised Vincent Gallo’s performance and claimed Alden Ehrenreich is “the new Leonardo DiCaprio”.