
Whisky is an Uruguayan tragicomedy film directed by Juan Pablo Rebella and Pablo Stoll and released in 2004. On the first anniversary of his mother’s death, Jacobo (Andres Pazos), the owner of a small and struggling sock factory, asks one of his attentive employees, Marta (Mirella Pascual), to spend a few days at his home pretending to be his wife because his brother, Herman (Jorge Bolani), is arriving for a visit. Jacobo and Marta’s lives are very dull and repetitious. It takes some time to realize that Jacobo asks Marta because he has no one else to ask. Why Marta agrees is another matter. The film stars Andrés PazosMirella PascualJorge Bolani, Ana Katz, and Daniel Hendler. It has very sparse dialogue and the three principal actors play very straight roles showing little emotion. It was premiered at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival where it won a Prix du Regard Original Award.

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