Berlin Syndrome is a 2017 Australian psychological thriller film directed by Cate Shortland, and written by Shaun Grant, based upon the novel of the same name by Melanie Joosten. It stars Teresa Palmer and Max Riemelt. In the plot, Australian photographer, Clare, meets Andi while holidaying in Berlin. There is an instant attraction between them. A night of passion ensues. But what initially appears to be the start of a romance, takes an unexpected and sinister turn when Clare wakes the following morning to discover Andi has left for work and locked her in his apartment. An easy mistake to make, of course, except Andi has no intention of letting her go again. Ever. For two weeks prior to filming, Palmer and Riemelt stayed together in a small apartment similar to the one on the set. The film had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 2017.