Charlie Countryman (originally known as The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman) is a 2013 American-Romanian psychological romantic comedy-drama film directed by Fredrik Bond in his directorial debut, written by Matt Drake, and starring Shia LaBeouf, Evan Rachel Wood, Mads Mikkelsen, Til Schweiger, Rupert Grint and Aubrey Plaza. While traveling abroad, a guy falls for a Romanian beauty whose unreachable heart has its origins in her violent, charismatic ex. The film premiered on 2013 at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and was screened in competition at the 63rd Berlin International Film Festival. LaBeouf reportedly tripped on acid while filming acid scenes. According to LaBeouf, he had to trip on the acid to really get into the head of his character and to emulate some of his acting heroes. “There’s a way to do an acid trip like Harold & Kumar and there’s a way to be on acid. What I know of acting, Sean Penn actually strapped up to that electric chair in Dead Man Walking. These are the guys that I look up to.”