The Legend of 1900 is a 1998 Italian drama film directed by Giuseppe Tornatore and starring Tim Roth, Pruitt Taylor Vince and Mélanie Thierry. The film stars Tim Roth in the title role and features a stunning score by legendary composer Ennio Morricone. An extraordinary tale of a virtuosos musician born at sea, The Legend of 1900 paints a vivid portrait of a brilliant, but rather unconventional life. Named for the year in which he was born, 1900 grows up in a charmed world of stormy gales and swaying decks as he fashions his existence within the confines of his trans-Atlantic steamer. His natural talent at the piano attracts the attention of jazz legend Jelly Roll Morton, who comes on board to challenge 1900 to a dual. Oblivious to his mounting notoriety, 1900 remains a fixture at sea, forever seduced by the sounds of the Ocean. It was Tornatore’s first English-language film. The film is inspired by Novecento, a monologue by Alessandro Baricco. The film was nominated for a variety of awards worldwide, winning several for its soundtrack.