The Lost Boys is a 1987 American horror comedy film directed by Joel Schumacher, starring Jason Patric, Corey Haim, Kiefer Sutherland, and Corey Feldman between others. The film is about two brothers who move to California and end up fighting a gang of young vampires. The film blends horror, humor, and plenty of visual style with standout performances from a cast full of young 1980s stars.The title is a reference to the Lost Boys in J. M. Barrie’s stories about Peter Pan and Neverland, who, like the vampires, never grow up. The film was originally set to be directed by Richard Donner and the screenplay, written by Janice Fischer and James Jeremias, was modelled on Donner’s recent hit The Goonies (1985). In this way the film was envisioned as more of a juvenile vampire adventure with 13 or 14 year old vampires, while the Frog brothers were “chubby 8 year-old Cub Scouts” and the character of Star was a young boy. When Donner committed to other projects, Joel Schumacher was approached to direct the film. He insisted on making the film sexier and more adult, bringing on screenwriter Jeffrey Boam to retool the script and raise the ages of the characters. The film was followed by two direct-to-video sequels, Lost Boys: The Tribe and Lost Boys: The Thirst and spawned a franchise with the same name.