Alexander Giannascoli, better known by his stage name Alex G, is a multi-instrumentalist from Philadelphia who started his career as a bedroom singer/songwriter, building up an audience through a series of DIY releases on Bandcamp. He has two older siblings, Matt (David Allen Scoli), an accomplished professional pianist, saxaphonist, singer, songwriter, and multi – instrumentalist ; and Rachel, who introduced him to influences such as Radiohead, Wilco, and Modest Mouse. Giannascoli began recording music at the age of 13 when his parents purchased a Mac Book computer, and his older brother gave him his first guitar. Giannascoli’s music is generally categorized in the indie rock/lo-fi genre, with atmospheric white noise and some guitar solos. He is frequently compared to singer-songwriter Elliot Smith, who is an influence of his. Other comparisons include Built to Spill and The Martinis. This is an unofficial music video edited by David Dean Burkhart with footage from the 1980 film Blowjob.