A Prayer Before Dawn is a 2017 drama film directed by Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire, written by Jonathan Hirschbein and Nick Saltrese and starring Joe Cole. It is based on the book A Prayer Before Dawn: My Nightmare in Thailand’s Prisons by Billy Moore. The film tells the story of Moore, a British national with a checkered past comes to Thailand with an intent for living well. After finding work as a boxer and stuntman he falls back into drug use, and is charged with possession of stolen goods and a firearm. He is sent to prison in Thailand, where he finds himself quickly caught up in violence unseen in other prisons, and spends his days chasing addiction and the violence that is typical in Thailand prison life. With a desperate need to fight again and battle his demons with addiction and himself, he agrees to fight in Muay Thai tournaments to earn his freedom. The film had its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival on 2017.