
Cyborg, known in the UK as Cyborg 009, is a 1989 American martial-arts science fiction film directed by Albert Pyun. Jean-Claude Van Damme stars as Gibson Rickenbacker, a mercenary who battles a group of murderous marauders led by Fender Tremolo (Vincent Klyn) along the East coast of the United States in a post-apocalyptic future. Cannon Films initially intended to make a sequel to the 1987 He-Man film Masters of the Universe and a live-action version of Spider-Man. Both projects were planned to shoot simultaneously by Albert Pyun. Cannon, however, was in financial trouble and had to cancel deals with both Mattel and Marvel Entertainment, the owners of He-Man and Spider-Man, respectively. Cannon had already spent $2 million on costumes and sets for both films, and decided to start a new project to recoup the money spent on them. Then Pyun wrote the storyline for Cyborg in one weekend. Pyun had Chuck Norris in mind for the lead, but co-producer Menahem Golan cast Jean-Claude Van Damme. The film was shot for less than $500,000 and was filmed in 24 days. Several of the characters’ names are references to well-known manufacturers and models of guitars and other musical instruments such as  Gibson Rickenbacker, Fender Tremolo, Marshall Strat, Les, Pearl Prophet and Nady Simmons. Jackson “Rock” Pinckney lost an eye during filming, when Jean-Claude Van Damme accidentally struck his eye with a prop knife. Pinckney sued Van Damme in a North Carolina court and was awarded $485,000. Pyun’s director’s cut was released in 2014 in Germany with the film’s original title “Slinger”.


  1. cyborg is a legend for me. I have watched film well over 20 times since I was kid. I’m fun of fender (vincent klyn).
    I wonder if U could give me some in formation about klyn, where he lives and what does he do for living, married or unmarried, if married how many kid has he got.

    • He had a great villain look! Don’t know much about what he is doing now. He is married and lives in Malibu but he seems to have a very reserved life.

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